REACT Announcement of Opportunity
During the Green Space Logistics and furthermore during the REACT projects, the consortium allocated time to literature review, interviews of experts and industrial partners, and tests to apply simplified, space-specific Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to concrete cases. This helped to understand the current state-of-the-art and state-of-affairs in terms of assessment of the environmental impacts and ecodesign in the space sector.
Thanks to these efforts, knowledge gaps have been identified. Those cannot be filled within the scope of the ongoing project. Either because they require different expertise, or because the timescale or resources needed to research them do not correspond. Ongoing efforts, and potential projects to fill those gaps are listed and explained in this document.
"This document is open to public to provide recommendations to the scientific community to improve the understanding of environmental impact of launch vehicle." The announcement of opportunity can then be used, together with other sources, to justify new funding and projects which will contribute to the improvement of the knowledge to assess environmental impacts of space missions across Europe.
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