On Triangulation as a Form of Self-Supervision for 3D Human Pose Estimation
Supervised approaches to 3D pose estimation from single images are remarkably effective when labeled data is abundant. However, as the acquisition of ground-truth 3D labels is labor intensive and time consuming, recent attention has shifted towards semi- and weakly-supervised learning. Generating an effective form of supervision with little annotations still poses major challenge in crowded scenes. In this paper we propose to impose multi-view geometrical constraints by means of a weighted differentiable triangulation and use it as a form of self-supervision when no labels are available. We therefore train a 2D pose estimator in such a way that its predictions correspond to the re-projection of the triangulated 3D pose and train an auxiliary network on them to produce the final 3D poses. We complement the triangulation with a weighting mechanism that alleviates the impact of noisy predictions caused by self-occlusion or occlusion from other subjects. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our semi-supervised approach on Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP datasets, as well as on a new multi-view multi-person dataset that features occlusion.
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