Design of a 150-miniature detectors 3D core-mapping system for the CROCUS reactor
The present article provides an overview of the design of a three-dimensional (3D) full-core mapping system for the CROCUS reactor, operated at the Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. The system is composed of 149 miniature neutron detectors distributed within the core double lattice at three main axial levels. The miniature detector technology is based on the optimization of the well-proven coupling of a miniature ZnS:(LiF)-Li-6(Ag) scintillator to a state-of-the-art silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) via jacketed optical fibers. The challenges in the mechanical design, the detector optimization, the core criticality, and the development of the acquisition electronics are strongly interconnected and their combination is addressed in this article. The 3D full-core mapping system is foreseen to be installed in CROCUS in autumn 2021 and it will pave the way for the investigation of 3D dynamic phenomena in nuclear reactor cores.
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