Integrated use of time-frequency wavelet decompositions for fault location in distribution networks: Theory and experimental validation
The paper presents a procedure for fault location in distribution networks, based on the use of the integrated time-frequency wavelet decompositions of the voltage transients associated with the fault-originated travelling waves. The proposed analysis of time-frequency wavelet decompositions has been found to improve the identification accuracy of the frequencies associated to the characteristic patterns of a fault location with respect to a sole frequency-domain wavelet analysis. Several laboratory fault tests, carried out by means of a reduced-scale model of a distribution feeder, are used to illustrate the characteristics and assess the performances of the proposed improved procedure. The paper also illustrates the application of the proposed procedure to a transient, originated by a permanent phase-to-phase fault, measured in a real distribution network in which a post-test analysis has identified the faulted branch. © 2010 IEEE.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, United States, Cited By (since 1996): 2, Export Date: 25 April 2012, Source: Scopus, Art. No.: 5456138, CODEN: ITPDE, doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2010.2046655, Language of Original Document: English, Correspondence Address: Borghetti, A.; Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; email:, References: Fault Management in Electrical Distribution Systems 1998, CIRED WG03 Fault management(2004) IEEE Std, C37, p. 114. , IEEE Guide for Determining Fault Location on AC Transmission and Distribution Lines; Phadke, A.G., Thorp, J.S., (2009) Computer Relaying for Power Systems, , 2nd ed. New York: Wiley; Sachdev, M.S., Agarwal, R., A technique for estimating transmission line fault locations from digital impedance relay measurements (1988) IEEE Trans. Power Del., 3 (1), pp. 121-129. , Jan; Srinivasan, K., St.-Jacques, A., A new fault location algorithm for radial transmission lines with loads (1989) IEEE Trans. Power Del., 4 (3), pp. 1676-1682. , Jul; Girgis, A.A., Hart, D.G., Peterson, W.L., A new fault location technique for two- and three-terminal lines (1992) IEEE Trans. Power Del., 7 (1), pp. 98-107. , Jan; El-Hami, M., Lai, L.L., Daruvala, D.J., Johns, A.T., A new travelling- wave based scheme for fault detection on overhead power distribution feeders (1992) IEEE Trans. Power Del., 7 (4), pp. 1825-1833. , Oct; Ancell, G.B., Pahalawatha, N.C., Maximum likelihood estimation of fault location on transmission lines using travelling waves (1994) IEEE Trans. Power Del., 9 (2), pp. 680-689. , Apr; Chaari, O., Meunier, M., Brouaye, F., Wavelets: A new tool for resonant grounded power distribution systems relaying (1996) IEEE Trans. Power Del., 11 (3), pp. 1301-1308. , Jul; Magnago, F.H., Abur, A., Fault location using wavelets (1998) IEEE Trans. Power Del., 13 (4), pp. 1475-1480. , Oct; Magnago, F.H., Abur, A., A new fault location technique for radial distribution systems based on high frequency signals (1999) Proc. IEEE-Power Eng. Soc. Summer Meeting, 1, pp. 426-431. , Jul. 18-22; Hizman, H., Crossley, P.A., Gale, P.F., Bryson, G., Fault section identification and location on a distribution feeder using travelling waves (2002) 2002 IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, 3, pp. 1107-1112. , Jul. 25-25; Yan, F., Chen, Z., Liang, Z., Kong, Y., Li, P., Fault location using wavelet packets (2002) Proc. Int. Conf. Power System Technology (PowerCon 2002), 4, pp. 2575-2579. , Oct. 13-17; Borghetti, A., Corsi, S., Nucci, C.A., Paolone, M., Peretto, L., Tinarelli, R., On the use of continuous-wavelet transform for fault location in distribution power networks (2006) Elect. Power Energy Syst., 28, pp. 608-617; Yan, F., Ge, T.-L., Zhao, H.-S., A new method of single-phase-toearth fault location for rural MV power networks (2008) Proc. Joint Int. Conf. Power System Technology and IEEE Power India Conf. (POWERCON 2008), , Oct. 12-15; Borghetti, A., Bosetti, M., Di Silvestro, M., Nucci, C.A., Paolone, M., Continuous-wavelet transform for fault location in distribution power networks: Definition of mother wavelets inferred from fault originated transients (2008) IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 23 (2), pp. 380-388. , May; Graps, A., An introduction to wavelets (1995) IEEE Comput. Sci. Eng., 2 (2), pp. 50-61. , Summer; Lobos, T., Sikorski, T., Schegner, P., Joint time-frequency representation of non-stationary signals in electrical power engineering (2005) Proc. 15th Power Systems Computation Conf. (PSCC'05), , Liege, Belgium Aug., paper fp 97; Dommel, H.W., Digital computer solution of electromagnetic transients in single and multi-phase networks (1969) IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., 88, pp. 388-399. , Apr; Kezunovic, M., Aganagic, M., Skendzic, V., Domaszewicz, J., Bladow, J.K., Hamai, D.M., McKenna, S.M., Transients computation for relay testing in real-time (1994) IEEE Trans. Power Del., 9 (3), pp. 1298-1307. , Jul; Li, H.Y., Bo, Z.Q., Caunce, B., Potts, S., A fault transient comparison technique for multi-ended distribution feeders (2001) Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Developments in Power System Protection (IEE), pp. 153-156. , Apr. 9-12; Clarke, E., (1943) Circuit Analysis of AC Power Systems, 1. , New York: Wiley.