A Situated Approach to Systems Based Modeling of Services
Situatedness refers to the imagery that a conceptualization invokes. The image, as a whole, provides the context for interpreting the relevance of the categories revealed in the image. At a basic level of conceptualization, the conceptual relevance of an observed category can be historically inspired, empirically informed, rationally thought, or pragmatically focused. From a service-design perspective, the interest in a given phenomenon is limited to its functional organization, which requires taking an exclusively pragmatic view of the world. In this paper, we propose a role-based approach to modeling categories, which requires service-designers assign functional and non-functional roles to categories by making explicit their interpretation of the conceptual relevance of these categories. Staying aware of the design choices will help the service-designer develop an informed model of observed reality, leading to better alignment between the scope and the purpose of the inquiry.
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