A procedure for the automatic scheduling of distributed energy resources in medium voltage networks
The paper presents the main characteristics of a centralized two-stage scheduler designed for the integration in the Distribution Management System (DMS) under development in the framework of an Italian "Smart Grid" Project. The paper first reviews the trends in the automation of power distribution networks, and then describes the two-stage scheduler and its application to typical Italian urban and rural distribution feeders.
20th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2009
550 CP
University of Bologna, Italy University of Genova, Italy ENEL Produzione, Italy, Conference code: 78488, Export Date: 25 April 2012, Source: Scopus, doi: 10.1049/cp.2009.0986, Language of Original Document: English, Correspondence Address: Borghetti, A.; University of BolognaItaly; email: alberto.borghetti@mail.ing.unibo.it, References: Northcote-Green, J., Wilson, R., (2007) Control and Automation of Electric Power Distribution Systems, , Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton; Lopes, J.A.P., Hatziargyriou, N., Mutale, J., Djapic, P., Jenkins, N., Integrating distributed generation into electric power systems: A review of drivers, challenges and opportunities (2007) Electric Power Systems Research, 77 (9), pp. 1189-1203; Dimeas, A.L., Hatziargyriou, N.D., Operation of a Multiagent System for Microgrid Control (2005) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 20 (3). , August; Scalari, S., Valtorta, G., Giglioli, R., Pilo, F., Caldon, R., Massucco, S., Nucci, C.A., Testa, A., An Italian facility to test distributed energy resources management for smartgrids (2008) Proc. of CIRED Seminar, , Frankfurt, 23-24 June; Bertani, A., Borghetti, A., Bossi, C., De Biase, L., Lamquet, O., Massucco, S., Morini, A., Silvestro, F., Management of Low Voltage Grids with High Penetration of Distributed Generation: Concepts, implementations and experiments (2006) Proc. of CIGRE general session, , Paris; Li, H.Y., Yunus, B., Assessment of switched communication network availability for state estimation of distribution networks with generation (2007) IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 22 (3), pp. 1424-1432; Wasiak, I., Thoma, M.C., Foote, C.E.T., Mienski, R., Pawelek, R., Gburczyk, P., Burt, G.M., A power-quality management algorithm for low-voltage grids with distributed resources (2008) IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 23 (2), pp. 1055-1062; Bignucolo, F., Caldon, R., Prandoni, V., Radial MV networks voltage regulation with distribution management system coordinated controller (2008) Electric Power Systems Research, 78 (4), pp. 634-645; Bongrain, P., Voirin, D., A new DMS voltage control function for cost effective operation of the network (2002) Proc. of CIDEL, , Buenos Aires, Argentina; Augugliaro, A., Dusonchet, L., Favuzza, S., Sanseverino, E.R., Voltage regulation and power losses minimization in automated distribution networks by an evolutionary multiobjective approach (2004) IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 19 (3), pp. 1516-1527; Galdi, V., Vaccaro, A., Villacci, D., Voltage regulation in MV networks with dispersed generations by a neural-based multiobjective methodology (2008) Electric Power Systems Research, 78 (5), pp. 785-793; CIGRE Brochure, Communications technology fundamentals for the design of modern protection and control systems (2007), Working Group D2.16, AprilBorghetti, A., Bosetti, M., Grillo, S., Morini, A., Paolone, M., Silvestro, F., A Two-Stage Scheduler of Distributed Energy Resources (2007) Proc. of 2007 IEEE Lausanne PowerTech, , Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1-5