Sediment Transport and Flow Conditions in Steep Rivers with Large Immobile Boulders
Recent flood events in Switzerland and across Europe pointed out several deficiencies in hazard assessment, planning, and prediction methods for flood risk mitigation. A good understanding of the dynamics of mountain rivers, grounded on a sound physical-based theoretical framework, is primordial both from an environmental and a safety point of view. Although mountain rivers control sediment supply to lowland rivers, relatively few studies have been carried out on steep mountain channels, mainly during the last two decades. While these studies provide a multitude of sediment transport equations, generally with similar forms, most of them does not take into account the extreme conditions characterizing alpine torrents. For these latter, the presence of macro-roughness elements, such as large relatively immobile boulders, disrupts the flow and alters channel roughness. Moreover, bedload fluctuations have been observed over time in steep rivers and flumes with wide grain size distributions, even under constant sediment feeding and water discharge. This research project investigates the impact of randomly distributed boulders (cascade morphology) on the sediment transport capacity and bedload fluctuations in steep channels. This is done by means of 41 laboratory experiments, carried out on a tilting flume at the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH) at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). The influence of several boulder sizes and distance between roughness elements is investigated for three flume slopes (S=6.7%, 9.9% and 13%). Sediment transport, bulk mean flow velocities and variables describing the morphology were assessed regularly during the experiments. Firstly, the detailed analysis of a 13 hours laboratory experiment is presented. Periodical bedload pulses are clearly visible on this long duration experiment, along with correlated flow velocity and bed morphology fluctuations. The relation among bulk velocity, morphology variables time evolution and bedload transport is investigated by correlation analysis, showing that fluctuations are strongly linked. Visual observations indicate that the detected periodical fluctuations correspond to different bed states. Furthermore, the grain size distribution through the channel, varying in time and space, clearly influences these bedload pulses. For all the experiments, bedload pulses were then characterized by their amplitude and period. It is shown that for higher stream power the fluctuations decrease, both in duration of a cycle and in amplitude. The presence of boulders increases the stream power needed to transport a given amount of sediments, thus decreasing the fluctuations. The impact of increasing channel slopes on sediment transport is well known. The present research shows that it is also indispensable to take into account the presence of boulders in the estimation of the sediment transport capacity, since it is strongly decreasing with dimensionless boulder distance. Sediment transport capacity is better estimated when taking the liquid discharge as basis parameter instead of bed shear stress. The critical discharge for incipient motion is shown to be dependent not only on the channel slope but also on the dimensionless distance between boulders. A sediment transport formula based on excess discharge and taking into the presence of boulders is herein developed.
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