Fine aerosol composition and prediction of gas-particle partitioning of semi-volatile species at the Centreville SEARCH site (Alabama), during SOAS campaign
To explain the spa al and temporal distribu on of atmospheric aerosols over the southern US both biogenic vola le organic compounds (BVOC) and anthropogenic aerosols emissions should be taken into account. With the purpose of understanding their relationship the search site in Centreville (AL) was chosen to be the main monitoring loca on in the SOAS campagn, from June 1 to July 15 of 2013. This area is surrounded by a predominantly isoprene forest and experiences strong anthropogenic/biogenic constrasts. Chemically dins ct air masses ( NH3 or SO2 or NOx-dominated) impact this area. We characterised the organic and inorganic chemical composition of the fine aerosol fraction and the gas-particle partitioning of important chemical species.
Event name | Event place | Event date |
Prague, Czech Republic | September 1-6, 2013 | |