Results of the Academic Citizens’ Assembly - UNIL 2024
This report summarizes the process, results, and insights of the Academic Citizens’ Assembly (ACA) organized by Prof. Oscar Mazzoleni, Prof. Sascha Nick, and Maxime Vincent, on Wednesday 23.10.2024 in Lausanne. The Assembly question was “How can we transform food production and consumption to protect biodiversity and health in Switzerland?” (“Comment transformer la production et consommation alimentaire pour protéger la biodiversité et la santé en Suisse ?”), covering three topics:
● How can we halt and reverse the five levers of biodiversity destruction: habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive species, pollution, and climate?
● What kind of agricultural production for Switzerland, on what territory, using what methods?
● How can we organize society to enable this transition: objectives, culture, work, financing, governance, democracy?
The overall objective is to imagine, describe and discuss a healthy, sustainable and inclusive society that can be built in 15 years.
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