Mapping and Analysis of the Complexity of Lipid Metabolism for Applications in Health and Sustainability
Metabolism is a network of biotransformations that sustain life in cells. Over the past decades, metabolism has been studied in multiple contexts, ranging from medicine to industrial manufacturing. In particular, lipid metabolism has been linked to various physiopathologies, and its study could lead to new diagnostics and treatments. Metabolic networks are extremely complex and a systems approach is essential in deciphering the different levels of cellular organization and regulation that an organism possesses. Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) encompass all the available information for an organism, though their large size and complexity introduce a lot of uncertainty in the accuracy of predictions. GEM reductions are usually done in an ad hoc manner to produce context-specific models, and cannot serve multiple studies.
The study of regulatory mechanisms requires the development of kinetic models that can accurately capture dynamic responses to perturbations. To this end, constraint-based models can be enhanced through the integration of kinetic information. Constructing consistent large-scale kinetic models is a challenging endeavor, since detailed knowledge about regulatory mechanisms and kinetic parameter values is scarce.Examining the mechanisms of enzymatic and metabolic restructuring in states of mutation could increase our fundamental understanding of how diseases evolve, and facilitate phenotype mapping. Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA) has been a well-established tool for the prediction and evaluation of genetic modification strategies. However, it fails to account for the physiological limitations of an organism and can often lead to unrealistic predictions.In this thesis, we developed computational models, tools, and methodologies to facilitate the study of lipids and their regulatory mechanisms. Firstly, we constructed and curated a metabolic model that focuses on lipid metabolism, through the integration of detailed lipid pathways into a GEM of S. cerevisiae. This model was then systematically reduced around these pathways to provide a more manageable model size for complex studies. We show that this model is as consistent and inclusive as other yeast GEMs, and can be used as a scaffold for integrating lipidomics data to improve predictions in studies of lipid-related biological functions. Secondly, we used this model as a basis to build a large-scale kinetic model. Enzymes in the lipid metabolism are typically promiscuous and multifunctional, giving rise to enzymatic coupling. To accurately capture these properties, we assigned suitable kinetic rate expressions to the reactions in the network. We generated populations of kinetic parameter sets through a sampling-based workflow and we demonstrate how the consideration of enzymatic coupling is essential for factual predictions. Thirdly, we developed a constraint-based formulation that utilizes MCA-based control coefficients for the consistent derivation of metabolic engineering strategies. We show how the parametrization and introduction of biological constraints enhances this formulation in comparison to the classical MCA approach, and we highlight its ability to generate alternative optimal strategies. Fourthly, we defined and introduced additional mathematical objectives and constraints to this formulation to enable the mapping of enzymes that are responsible for different phenotypes. Concluding, we discuss the contribution and potential applications of this thesis.
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