Non-linear matter power spectrum from Time Renormalisation Group: efficient computation and comparison with one-loop
We address the issue of computing the non-linear matter power spectrum on mildly non-linear scales with efficient semi-analytic methods. We implemented M. Pietroni's Time Renormalization Group (TRG) method and its Dynamical 1-Loop (D1L) limit in a numerical module for the new Boltzmann code CLASS. Our publicly released module is valid for Lambda CDM models, and optimized in such away to run in less than a minute for D1L, or in one hour (divided by number of nodes) for TRG. A careful comparison of the D1L, TRG and Standard 1-Loop approaches reveals that results depend crucially on the assumed initial bispectrum at high redshift. When starting from a common assumption, the three methods give roughly the same results, showing that the partial resumation of diagrams beyond one loop in the TRG method improves one-loop results by a negligible amount. A comparison with highly accurate simulations by M. Sato & T. Matsubara shows that all three methods tend to over-predict non-linear corrections by the same amount on small wavelengths. Percent precision is achieved until k similar to 0.2 hMpc(-)1 for z >= 2, or until k similar to 0.14 hMpc(-1) at z = 1.