A comb drive actuated vertically moving micromirror for tunable mid-infrared Resonant Cavity Enhanced Detectors
The realization of a vertically moving micromirror using electrostatic actuation in a comb drive configuration is presented. The micromirror is designed for the use in tunable mid-infrared Resonant Cavity Enhanced Detectors (RCEDs). It can be displaced more than 2.5 μm with less than 30 V actuation voltage. In addition to the pure out-of-plane movement, the mirror can be tilted by applying different voltages at the different comb drive actuators. A voltage difference of 30 V on opposite comb drive actuators induces a mirror tilt of 0.23°. Measured spectra of a tunable RCED employing the presented micromirror are included.
Part of special issue: MNE ’08: The 34th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering (MNE)