Coordinated emergency control of load shedding and FACTS devices
This paper describes the development of a control system and control strategies capable of governing multiple flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices in coordination with load shedding. The main purpose of the presented coordinated control system is to remove overloads caused by lines' outages in transmission network. The proposed control system is based on linearized expressions in steady state. Therefore they do not require intensive computations. A simulation model of the control system is suitable for real time implementation. It constantly monitors power flows and generates appropriate control signals to each load and FACTS device in order to maintain acceptable power flow levels. It has been interfaced with load flow software to test its effectiveness through non-linear simulations using the 14 bus IEEE test power system as the study case. The results obtained are presented.
Event name | Event place | Event date |
St. Petersburg, Russia | 27-30 06 2005 | |