Wind tunnel observations of weak and strong snow saltation dynamics
Theoretical considerations suggest that saltation dynamics is dominated by either aerodynamic entrainment or by a combination of ejection and rebound at a given time and location. Calling these two regimes weak and strong saltation, respectively, we have investigated high-resolution snow mass flux measurements by shadowgraphy in a cold wind tunnel to determine whether these two regimes can be experimentally reproduced. In this contribution, we first suggest that aerodynamic entrainment should lead to a negative correlation in the growth rates of horizontal versus vertical mass fluxes, while for the ejection regime, a positive correlation is plausible. Based on this criterion, we find evidence of weak and strong saltation in our data. Weak saltation is characterized by smaller peaks of horizontal mass flux; however, these peaks have a higher growth rate and therefore are typically narrow. The larger peaks are associated with strong saltation, are wider, and their frequency of occurrence increases with increasing overall saltation mass flux.