Proceedings of the 2018 next-generation Gamma Knife research meeting
In order to determine what areas of research are a clinical priority, a small group of young Gamma Knife investigators was invited to attend a workshop discussion at the 19th International Leksell Gamma Knife Society Meeting. Two areas of interest and the need for future radiosurgical research involving multiple institutions were identified by the young investigators working group: 1) the development of additional imaging sequences to guide the understanding, treatment, and outcome tracking of diseases such as tremor, radiation necrosis, and AVM; and 2) trials to clarify the role of hypofractionation versus single-fraction radiosurgery in the treatment of large lesions such as brain metastases, postoperative cavities, and meningiomas.
19th International Meeting of the Leksell-Gamma-Knife-Society (LGKS) on Next-Generation Gamma Knife Research, Dubai, U ARAB EMIRATES, Mar 04-08, 2018