Short-term scheduling and control of active distribution systems with high penetration of renewable resources
Among the innovative contributions to electric distribution systems, one of the most promising and qualified is the possibility to manage and control distributed generation. Therefore, the latest distribution management systems tend to incorporate optimization functions for the short-term scheduling of the various energy and control resources available in the network (e.g., embedded generators, reactive power compensators and transformers equipped with on-load tap changers). The short-term scheduling procedure adopted in the paper is composed by two stages: a day-ahead scheduler for the optimization of distributed resources production during the following day, an intra-day scheduler that every 15 min adjusts the scheduling in order to take into account the operation requirements and constraints of the distribution network. The intra-day scheduler solves a non-linear multi-objective optimization problem by iteratively applying a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) algorithm. The linearization of the optimization function and the constraints is achieved by the use of sensitivity coefficients obtained from the results of a three-phase power flow calculation. The paper shows the application of the proposed approach to a medium-voltage 120 buses network with five wind plants, one photovoltaic field, ten dispatchable generators, and two transformers equipped with on-load tap changers. © 2010 IEEE.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Electrical Engineering Department, University of Genova, 16145 Genova, Italy, Cited By (since 1996): 4, Export Date: 25 April 2012, Source: Scopus, Art. No.: 5546901, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2010.2059171, Language of Original Document: English, Correspondence Address: Borghetti, A.; Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; email:, References: Singh, N., Kliokys, E., Feldmann, H., Kiissel, R., Chrustowski, R., Jaborowicz, C., Power system modelling and analysis in a mixed energy management and distribution management system (1998) IEEE Trans. Power Syst, 13 (3), pp. 1143-1149. , Aug; Jenkins, N., Allan, R., Crossley, P., Kirschen, D., Strbac, G., (2000) Embedded Generation, , London U.K.: IEE; Northcote-Green, J., Wilson, R., (2007) Control and Automation of Electric Power Distribution Systems, , Boca Raton FL: Taylor & Francis; Lopes, J.A.P., Hatziargyriou, N., Mutale, J., Djapic, P., Jenkins, N., Integrating distributed generation into electric power systems: A review of drivers, challenges and opportunities (2007) Elect. Power Syst. Res, 77 (9), pp. 1189-1203; Choi, J.H., Kim, J.C., Advanced voltage regulation method of power distribution systems interconnected with dispersed storage and generation systems (2001) IEEE Trans. Power Del, 16 (2), pp. 329-334. , Apr; Lasseter, R., Akhil, A., Marnay, C., Stevens, J., Dagle, J., Guttromson, R., Meliopoulous, A.S., Eto, J., (2002) White Paper on Integration of Distributed Energy Resources-The MicroGrid Concept, ,, [Online]. Available:; Bongrain, P., Voirin, D., A new DMS voltage control function for cost effective operation of the network (2002) Proc. CIDEL, , Buenos Aires, Argentina; Dimeas, A.L., Hatziargyriou, N.D., Operation of a Multiagent System for Microgrid Control (2005) IEEE Trans. Power Syst, 20 (3), pp. 1447-1455. , Aug; Wasiak, I., Thoma, M.C., Foote, C.E.T., Mienski, R., Pawelek, R., Gburczyk, P., Burt, G.M., A power-quality management algorithm for low-voltage grids with distributed resources (2008) IEEE Trans. Power Del, 23 (2), pp. 1055-1062. , Apr; Bertani, A., Borghetti, A., Bossi, C., De Biase, L., Lamquet, O., Massucco, S., Morini, A., Silvestro, F., Management of lowvoltage grids with high penetration of distributed generation: Concepts, implementations and experiments (2006) Proc. CIGRE General Session, , Paris, France; Borghetti, A., Bosetti, M., Grillo, S., Morini, A., Paolone, M., Silvestro, F., A two-stage scheduler of distributed energy resources (2007) Proc. 2007 IEEE Lausanne PowerTech, , Lausanne, Switzerland, Jul. 1-5; Borghetti, A., Bosetti, M., Nucci, C.A., Paolone, M., Massucco, S., Silvestro, F., Scalari, S., A procedure for the automatic scheduling of distributed energy resources in medium voltage networks (2009) Proc. 20th Int. Conf. Electricity Distribution (CIRED2009), , Prague, Czechoslovakia, Jun. 8-11; Borghetti, A., Bosetti, M., Grillo, S., Paolone, M., Silvestro, F., Short-term scheduling of active distribution systems (2009) Proc 2009 IEEE Power Tech Conf., p. 3. , Bucharest, Romania, Jun.28-Jul; Fangxing, L., Broadwater, R., Thompson, J., Goodman, F., Analysis of distributed resources operating in unbalanced distribution circuits (2000) Proc. IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, 4, pp. 2315-2319. , Jul. 16-20; Zhou, Q., Bialek, J.W., Simplified calculation of voltage and loss sensitivity factors in distribution networks (2008) Proc. 16th Power Systems Computation Conf. (PSCC2008), , Jul. 14-18, Glasgow, Scotland; Mahseredjian, J., Dennetière, S., Dubé, L., Khodabakhchian, B., Gérin-Lajoie, L., On a new approach for the simulation of transients in power systems (2007) Elect. Power Syst. Res, 77 (11), pp. 1514-1520. , Sep; Peralta, J.A., De León, F., Mahseredjian, J., Unbalanced multiphase load-flow using a positive-sequence load-flow program (2008) IEEE Trans. Power Syst, 23 (2), pp. 469-476. , May