Method for securing communications between a terminal and an additional user equipment
Method for performing electronic payments between a mobile equipment and a payment terminal over a short distance wireless interface, comprising displaying an identification (for example T; T-id) on the display (110) of said payment terminal (11), manually entering said identification on the input means (103) of said mobile equipment, using said identification in an message to the payment terminal, said message used to start establishment of an extended mutual authentication, said extended mutual authentication establishing a shared secret key for encrypting confidential payment information exchanged between the terminal and the mobile.
International Patent Application
Alternative title(s) : (de) Verfahren zur sicherung der kommunikation zwischen einem endgerät und einer zusätzlichen benutzervorrichtung (fr) Procede de securisation de communications entre un terminal et un autre dispositif utilisateur
Patent number | Country code | Kind code | Date issued |
DE60044586 | DE | D1 | 2010-08-05 |
AT472208 | AT | T | 2010-07-15 |
EP1277299 | EP | B1 | 2010-06-23 |
US7409552 | US | B2 | 2008-08-05 |
DE60104411 | DE | T2 | 2005-09-22 |
DE60104411 | DE | D1 | 2004-08-26 |
AT271733 | AT | T | 2004-08-15 |
EP1277301 | EP | B1 | 2004-07-21 |
US2003041244 | US | A1 | 2003-02-27 |
EP1277299 | EP | A1 | 2003-01-22 |
EP1277301 | EP | A2 | 2003-01-22 |
WO0184763 | WO | A3 | 2002-03-28 |
AU6589701 | AU | A | 2001-11-12 |
AU7520300 | AU | A | 2001-11-12 |
WO0184763 | WO | A2 | 2001-11-08 |
WO0184761 | WO | A1 | 2001-11-08 |