Time-of-flight based imaging system using a display as illumination source
The present invention concerns a time-of-flight based imaging system comprising a photon emitterused as an illumination source a photon sensor (6) an electronic system for delivering a signal depending on the reception time of photons by said photon detector, characterized in that an electronic display (2) is used as said photonic source.
Alternative title(s) : (de) Auf laufzeit basierendes abbildungssystem, das ein display als beleuchtungsquelle benutzt (fr) Système d'imagerie à base de temps de vol, utilisant un dispositif d'affichage en tant que source d'éclairage
Patent number | Country code | Kind code | Date issued |
US8810647 | US | B2 | 2014-08-19 |
CN102027388 | CN | B | 2013-08-28 |
EP2283383 | EP | B1 | 2013-07-17 |
CN102027388 | CN | A | 2011-04-20 |
US2011037849 | US | A1 | 2011-02-17 |
EP2283383 | EP | A1 | 2011-02-16 |
WO2009124601 | WO | A1 | 2009-10-15 |