####################################################################################### DATASET TITLE * - this template has been produced by the EPFL RDM Library team - v2022 ####################################################################################### General information or Introduction section - author(s) info (name, affiliation, persistent id) * - date of collection (use format) * - geolocation data (use format) - funding or sponsorship info * -------------------------------- Sharing / Access information or License section - licenses * - terms of use * - citation instructions * - links to related publications - links to other research outputs and datasets - URL in repository - persistent identifiers -------------------------------- Data and file(s) overview or Data section - files and folders structure description * - file formats * - additional related data - original source if any - dataset version, update description/changelog -------------------------------- Methodological info or Preparation section and acknowledgment section - link to publications used as a base for methods - methods for processing data * - technical requirements: necessary instruments and software, hardware and version numbers, parameters or calibration data * - quality assurance process applied - people involved in experiments, surveys, processing, analysis etc -------------------------------- Data specific info - data format * - data dictionary or data codebook * (variables, units of measures, codes or symbols, abbreviations, semantics, depiction) - applied standards