Information regarding the Dataset, corresponding to the paper: “Thakur, M., Cai, N., Zhang, M. et al. High durability and stability of 2D nanofluidic devices for long-term single-molecule sensing. npj 2D Mater Appl 7, 11 (2023).” Description: This folder contains the raw data corresponding to Main text and supplementary section, and complete package of codes used to analyze, view, save, and plot data for the publication titled "High durability and stability of 2D nanofluidic devices for long-term single-molecule sensing". The code folder, "OpenNanopore-nanopore-tools", can be used to plot raw data and is found in the folder "data", which corresponds to the figures in the paper. Dependencies: The following packages need to be installed to run the scripts: python 3.x, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, tkinter, and scipy. The instrumentation is mentioned in the methods section of the published article. Code Usage: - To plot .dat files, please use "". - To plot IV files (.dat), please use "". - To plot noise, please use “”. - The excel (.csv) files can be plotted with any plotting software. - For translocation data, the scripts used sequentially are "", "". - To plot scatter plots, histogram, and KDE plots, we used "Translocation". - Some data can be plotted using Jupyter Notebook files (.ipynb). - The TEM imaging was processed using Thermo Scientific Velox Software and FIJI. Note: Please ensure that the necessary packages are installed before running the scripts. If you have any questions, please contact the corresponding author, Dr. Mukeshchand Thakur (,