

Hierarchical cooperation has recently been shown to achieve better throughput scaling than classical multihop schemes under certain assumptions on the channel model in static wireless networks. However, the end-to-end delay of this scheme turns out to be significantly larger than those of multihop schemes. A modification of the scheme is proposed here that achieves a throughput-delay trade-off D(n)=(log n)^2 T(n) for T(n) between Theta(sqrt{n}/log n) and Theta(n/log n), where D(n) and T(n) are respectively the average delay per bit and the aggregate throughput in a network of n nodes. This trade-off complements the previous results of El Gamal et al., which show that the throughput-delay trade-off for multihop schemes is given by D(n)=T(n) where T(n) lies between Theta(1) and Theta(sqrt{n}). Meanwhile, the present paper considers the network multiple-access problem, which may be of interest in its own right.
